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When God is Silent… September 9, 2008

Posted by Michelle Knoll in Devotionals.
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Have you ever gone to a friend, to ask that person a specific question, because you needed a specific answer?  Has that friend ever told you, “Um…. I’ll get back to you on that.”  So you had to wait?  And wait some more?  And wait, even more?

I hate that, don’t you?  But you wanna know something?  I’ve done that to people myself.  So I don’t really have room to complain about that one.

There are times though, when we go to someone with a problem, and we really need an answer.  And we want the answer right then.  And we can’t understand why we have to wait on the answer.

I can remember, as a child, going to my mom with a question, and either because she didn’t know the answer, or because she was in the middle of something else and her mind was occupied, she would tell me that I had to wait. 

Waiting is hard.  And I’m human; I don’t like to wait.

I really don’t like to wait on God to answer my questions.  There are times when God is silent, very silent, and when I have a question burning in my heart, or I’m facing a problem, I don’t like it when God doesn’t answer me immediately.

To be honest with you, I hate it when God is silent!  I really hate that!

It’s really easy to be religious and say “God’s timing is perfect.” That is, until you’re facing a situation that you really need some advice on, or you really need to know what to do, or how to decide on something.  At those times, when you REALLY need to hear from God, it’s frustrating when God is silent.

Very frustrating. (more…)